NextGenPaper receives positive funding decision

In November 2023, the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) has certified NextGenPaper GmbH as eligible for public funding. The decision was based on the assessment that NextGenPaper GmbH possesses a highly innovative technology that goes far beyond the current state of the art of paper coating systems as it enables:

1. the recycling of the paper fibres used which represents a significant sustainability advantage compared to conventional coating systems based on plastic-based fibres as these can generally no longer be separated from paper fibres so that the corresponding packaging material must be incinerated;

2. highly functional barriers against penetrating water and water vapour, escaping grease, penetrating oxygen as well as against the migration of mineral oil residues, e.g., from printing inks, into the packaged goods. The barriers fulfil the highest requirements and are stable throughout an exceptional temperature range thus enabling their use even in sensitive areas with high requirements such as food packaging.

The particular innovative nature of NextGenPaper technology results from the combination of a coating system with excellent multi-barrier properties and the certainty that the packaging material used will be recycled.