NGP-Holding takes over Adesiv GmbH

As of January 1st, 2024, NGP-Holding GmbH has acquired Adesiv GmbH, a renowned specialist supplier of coatings and adhesives based in Weyhe near Bremen, Germany. A key consideration for the purchase was the development and ongoing production of barrier coatings for NextGenPaper by Adesiv GmbH; through the acquisition of this key partner NGP has secured not only the process patent, but also its intellectual properties.

Mark Fregin has joined the management team as Managing Director as of February 1st, 2024. He will be in charge of managing the site as well continued development of specialised paint systems.

Torsten Uhlig, founder and owner of LackWerkstatt GmbH & Co KG, has also been appointed Managing Director. He will put longstanding experience to use taking charge of application technology and product management.

Tim Kammer will remain a partner and continue to play an active role in the company management; he will contribute his expertise primarily in sales and technical service, particularly in the area of In Mould Labelling (IML).

Moving forward, NGP and Adesiv will cooperate closely to develop further specialised solutions for the packaging industry.